All downloadable resources offered free of charge on our website are exclusively for personal, educational, and non-commercial use. Users are strictly prohibited from redistributing, selling, or utilizing any printables from for profit-making ventures or commercial endeavors. Our downloads are subject to the following usage agreement and terms:

ColoringFav User Agreement: Personal Use License & Terms

This User Agreement (“Agreement”) outlines the rights and obligations regarding the use of digital content (“Materials”) from ColoringFav. Please review this Agreement carefully before acquiring or accessing any Materials.

By accessing, obtaining, or utilizing any Materials, you consent to adhere to the following license terms and conditions. ColoringFav reserves the right to modify these terms at its discretion.

ColoringFav grants you a limited, non-exclusive license to use, adapt, and reproduce the Materials globally for an unlimited period, as explicitly permitted by this license and subject to the following conditions:

  1. Personal Use: You have unrestricted permission for personal, non-commercial use of the Materials obtained from ColoringFav.
  2. Redistribution Prohibited: You may not sublicense, sell, share, or distribute the Materials in any form, whether free or paid.
  3. Commercial Restrictions: The Materials may not be used for creating items for sale, commercial purposes, logo design, or to claim copyright or trademark rights.
  4. No Warranty: All Materials are provided “as is” without any warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.
  5. Risk Assumption: ColoringFav does not guarantee that the Materials will meet your specific needs or intended use. You assume all risks associated with the quality, performance, and use of the Materials and services available on ColoringFav.

For any inquiries regarding this Agreement, please get in touch with our support team.